Wednesday, August 20, 2008

New diversion - Ido, the International Auxiliary Language

With another long, cold, dark northern Wisconsin winter coming up, I had to do some preliminary thinking about adding another iron to the "what's cool to learn" fire. This year, the candidate is Ido, the International Auxiliary Language. Ido is a constructed language, developed from Esperanto about 100 years ago as a reformed and refined extension. Take a quick look at Ido-Mondo, my fledgling web site on the topic, for an overview and appetite-whetter.

Where can this go? My plan is, everyone bring 4 new people into the Ido movement every year, and get the new Idists to do the same. Let's say we start out with 200 Ido evangelists:
2008 - 1,000 Idists
2009 - 5,000 Idists
2010 - 25,000 Idists
2011 - 125,000 Idists
2012 - 625,000 Idists
2013 - 3,125,000 Idists
2014 - 15,625,000 Idists
2015 - 78,125,000 Idists
2016 - 390,625,000 Idists
2017 - 1,953,125,000 Idists
2018 - Everyone in the world speaks Ido

So, in ten short years, we get the entire world speaking the same language. That's going to help straighten out a lot of misunderstandings, and save humoungous piles of money as well!

1 comment:

Bryce Wesley Merkl said...

That is quite a good idea. If you can get it to work, that really will help prevent a lot of misunderstandings.

Here's a website to help you out:

Ido wiki browser